W.I.S.H List


What would you do if time, money and resources were not an issue?

We are talking about your future, and will focus on 3 main areas here – What do you want to HAVE? What do you want to DO? And who do you want to BE?

Would you go skydiving? Own your home outright? Have $1 million in superannuation? Jot your thoughts down on this WISH List template – timeframes are not required here… just your great ideas!

  1. a) Download the WISH list template (also download the WISH List starter ideas document to help you if you need)
  2. b) Discuss these with your wife or partner – these are ideas for you and your family
  3. c) Complete each section as best you can – think of this as an ideas board for what you might want in your future. Answer what is relevant to you for the life you WANT. Use your imagination!

W.I.S.H. List Starter Ideas Download

W.I.S.H. List Download